Use the Template

How to use this template


Although this template is meant to be used for publishing your code on the Python Package index (PyPI), you cannot install this template using pip. Please follow this description

Download the template

Download and unzip the template from either by downloading it directly or using the command line:



Do not clone the repository as it will download the hidden .git folder as well. This will prevent from initializing your own git project at a later step.

Initialize your Project

Before you continue, make sure to signup at GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket or any other repository that supports git. As far as I know, there is no way to create a new project locally and just push it to the repository. Therefore initializing your project need some more steps:

Create a new repository on e.g. GitHub. I will use GitHub for this guide. You will have to use a unique name for your project on account level. However, if you want to add your package also to the Python Package Index, you will need a global unique name. So check the PyPI before you choose a name.

Once your repository is created, clone it to your computer, wherever you want your files to live. On the command line this can be done by:

cd to/your/path
git clone

Of course you need to change username and reponame to your project information. In case you use Windows, you can also use the Desktop application for this step: In case you want to use PyCharm ( ), you can create a new Project directly from the IDE. This is my preferred option.

Rename the template

After unzipping the package-template you will find a folder called package-template-master in that directory. Copy the content of this folder into your newly created github project directory. Depending on the repository you chose, this project might already contain a, LICENSE and definitely a .gitignore file. Make sure to replace these files with the versions from package-template-master.

Commit changes

Finally you need to add the new files to the GitHub repository. Only added files will be versioned. At some point you can then commit changes. A commit can be thought of a local snapshot of your project, which can also be reverted. Once you created a commit, this commit can then be pushed to the remote repository on GitHub. Then all changes are also available on the online version.

In case you are using the Desktop application, you can add, commit and push from within the software.

PyCharm offers a VCS menu, where you can choose to commit changes. The dialog will also show you all unversioned (not added) files. Instead of just commit your changes, you can also choose the ‘commit and push’ option.

From the command line these steps can be achieved like:

Inside the GitHub repository, all files can be added by:

git add .

Then commit the changes

git commit -m "initial commit"

Where the -m flag will set a commit message. It is highly recommended to always add a very short commit message, to keep track of the changes.

Finally, push the commit to the master branch.

git push


This far, you jst set up a GitHub (or gitlab, bitbucket) repository and copied the template files into your project. The main purpose of the template is to make the integration of your project into helpful developer tools easier. But you will usually have to sign up for thrid party services. Luckily you can use your GitHub account for most services, with the exception of PyPI.

See also

Refer to the following pages to get started with the different developer tools: